About Me

A Little Bit More About Me ...

Morgan A. Mitchell is a Christian young woman, freelance writer, and book lover. She has been published by Inkspirations, Unlocked, and Wallflower Journal under the name Morgan Mitchell. She is also an HSLDA essay finalist and enjoys writing fiction.

She fell in love with books when she was six years old and has been an avid reader ever since. Jane Austen, Gary Thomas, and Louisa May Alcott are among her favorite authors. She also enjoys exploring different genres of music and occasionally a good movie.

She accepted Christ as her Savior when she was seven and since then she has sought to learn about and forge a relationship with Him.

When she isn't writing or reading she's serving at her church, spending time with friends and family, or drinking a cup of coffee.
Previously Published Works
If you're interested in more of my works, you can find a list of linked articles below.

Inkspirations Online:
It Has A Purpose 
Worthy of Your Calling
Write Away

Kingdom Pen:
How To Handle Rejection as a Writer 

Christian Devotions:
Water the Trees 
Making A Mug

Wallflower Journal:
5 Romantic Movies To Put Alongside Pride & Prejudice
5 Novels For Women Of All Ages

Good Shepherd, Good Protector
Mission Statement
My mission is to invite you to cultivate an abundant life through God, draw closer to Him, and give you a renewed sense of purpose, vision, and calling.

Many today live a joyless, purposeless life. Their lives are a steady stream of duties, tasks, and exhaustion. Upon hearing this mission they may ask questions like:

"How do I live an abundant life?"

"How do I regain my sense of purpose?"

"What is my purpose in life?"

Maybe you're asking right along with them! After all, drawing closer to God, having purpose in life, and living abundantly might seem like more items on a to-do list. However, it doesn't have to be like that. While this does require effort on our part, over time that effort pays off in extraordinary ways. What many don't realize is God wants us to have an abundant life. In John 10:10 (NASB) Jesus says:

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly."

What does having an abundant life even mean? It means being full of God, His goodness, His presence, joy, and purpose. Salvation is only the beginning of His plan for us. He has so much more in mind!

It is my prayer that you will begin to experience an abundant life in Christ, deepen your relationship with Him, and discover what specifically God has called you to do in this life. Because that's what living abundantly is all about.

As well as exploring how to live abundantly I'll also recommend and review books, movies, TV shows, and music. This is the place to get book and movie reviews from a Christian perspective. I'm well aware of the struggle to find clean entertainment! All reviews and recommendations will make mention of sex/nudity, extreme violence, and language.

Are you ready to jump into an abundant life? Then check out the blog and read up on how to enter into this life. Also, if you subscribe to the email list, you'll be notified when I post. I hope you'll find the inspiration and encouragement you need.

I look forward to seeing you around!

God Bless,

Morgan A. Mitchell
Statement of Faith
The following statements show what I believe and what guides my writing.

I believe there is one God who is made up of three Persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This God created the world and is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. He is also Lord of all, Sovereign, and perfect in every way.

I believe the 66 books of the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by God and written through men. The Bible is Truth and is the only source we should use to live by.

I believe everyone has sinned and we rightfully deserve to suffer for our sin by dying and being separated from God forever in Hell.

I believe Jesus, God's Son, came to earth and was fully man and fully God. After living a sinless life He shed His blood on the cross and gave Himself as a sacrifice to wash our sins away. God accepted that sacrifice as payment for sin. Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and now lives there.

I believe anyone despite his or her sin can be saved by admitting they're a sinner, believing Jesus paid for their sin by dying on the cross and raising again, and confessing He is Lord and inviting Him into their heart. By doing this they are saved from sin and promised eternal life with God.

I believe all believers are indwelled by the Holy Spirit.

I believe all who accept Jesus will go to live with the Lord once they die and will live there with Him forever.

I believe salvation cannot be lost or earned by good works.

I believe Christ will come again, judge the world, and that God will establish a new Heaven and a new Earth, where all those who put their faith in Jesus will live.

I believe while we're on Earth, Christians are given the task of sharing the gospel and making disciples.
Recommendations vs. Reviews
Be aware that there is a significant difference between the reviews and recommendations on this blog.

All recommendations are items that I would personally recommend. However, just because I review a book, TV show, or movie does not mean I recommend it. I am simply analyzing the work and giving my honest opinion of it, as well as providing key points such as the plot summary, age appropriateness if the reader should choose to read or watch it, and anything else that's noteworthy.